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Janusigns AstrologyNEPTUNE


Distance to the Sun: 4’504’300’000 km

Return Period: 165 Years


Sign of the Zodiac (ruler): Pisces

Directed by House: 12th House

Ascendant Sign (exalt): Cancer

Zodiac Sign (fall): Capricorn

Sign of the Zodiac (detriment): Virgo

Keywords: Compassion, divinity, fantasy, deception and corruption, dissolution, letting go, sacrifice, artistic inspirations, spiritual themes, unclear things, seas

What is Neptune in Astrology and what does it signify?

In astrology, Neptune represents going beyond boundaries, intuition, imagination, spiritual awareness and the unconscious world. Neptune’s energy is abstract, dreamlike and mystical; it is also associated with illusion, delusion and the desire to escape. This planet gives us extrasensory perception and opens the door to mystical and transcendental experiences. At this level it is difficult to discern where our perception slips into deception, illusion and false appearances.

Neptune is about themes that go beyond personal identity. It fosters art and creativity by nurturing the imagination and symbolizes opening up to spiritual experiences. However, in its negative aspects, Neptune is linked to uncertainty, confusion, deception and addiction. This planet brings with it the risk of getting lost in one’s spiritual journey.

The Role and Importance of Neptune in the Natal Chart

Neptune is the planet of imagination, intuition, inspiration and spirituality. It is also associated with illusions, uncertainties and the desire to escape. Neptune expresses the depths of the subconscious and spiritual connections.

Neptune in the birth chart shows the individual’s imagination, intuition and spiritual quest. The sign and house of Neptune reveals the mystical aspects of the individual and their desire for escape. This planet also represents themes related to illusions and confusion.

Neptune in Karma Astrology

In esoteric astrology, Neptune signifies union with the divine, spiritual enlightenment and connection with cosmic consciousness. It symbolizes the individual’s deepest spiritual quests and the desire to merge with the limitless.

In karma, Neptune represents the illusions of your past lives and your struggle to find spiritual reality in this life. This planet can pull one into the world of fantasy or away from reality, hence the need for proper guidance.




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