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Earth’s distance from the Sun: 149’600’000km
Earth’s revolution around the Sun: 365.25 Days.
Sign of the Zodiac (ruler): Leo
House ruled by: 5th house
Ascendant Sign (exalt): Aries
Zodiac Sign (fall): Libra
Sign of the Zodiac (detriment): Aquarius
Keywords: Cons ciousness, willpower, creativity, father, husband in woman’s chart, authority, state, powerful and influential people, rulers, commanders, well-known people, middle-aged male figures
The Sun’s rotation time in the zodiac is 1 year. It stays in each sign for about 1 month.
The Sun refers to the sign you were born under and gives important clues about your overall personality.
The Sun is at the center of astrology and represents the core personality traits, essence and inner self of every individual. It reflects your deepest personality, your ego and all the contours of your personality.
It expresses your life energy, your will and your attitude towards life in the world. It also gives information about one’s overall vitality and ability to assert oneself, as it is related to life force and individual existence.
Whichever house the Sun is in in your natal chart is the heart of the chart. Because if we are present, there is life, and if we are absent, there is nothing.
In the natal chart, the sun represents who we are and who we strive to be. It represents our most rational selves and the way we interact with the world on a daily basis. It also determines how we balance the influence of all the other planets in our personality.
In the natal chart, the Sun shows the area where the person shines the most and where they can achieve success in life. The zodiac sign and house it is in tells us which subjects this energy is concentrated on. It expresses that we can be successful in the subjects represented by the house where the sun is located, and what we want to do in life and our desires.
The sun represents the light of the soul. In esoteric astrology, it is one’s spiritual development and connection with one’s inner self.
From a karmic point of view, the Sun determines the directions in which the individual needs to find himself in this life and complete the journey of his soul. It points to what you have not learned in your past lives and the lessons you need to learn in this life.
Past life karma complexities can lead to ego conflicts and power struggles in this life. The position of the Sun shows what lessons the soul needs to learn and how to shine in this life.