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Astrology Zodiac sign of Horoscope with the star and the moon background. Magic power of fortune in the universe Concept.

What is Synastry?

Synastry is an astrology method in which the relationship compatibility of two people is analyzed by comparing their birth charts. This analysis is a guide to understanding the compatibility of the partners, their relationship dynamics and their influence on each other. Through synastry, the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship can be explored and the interactions examined in depth.

Why is Synastry Important?

Synastry analysis is an important tool for understanding the fundamentals of a relationship, seeing its future potential and anticipating possible difficulties. It shows how two people contribute to each other and in which areas they may experience difficulties. In order to strengthen empathy and understanding in a relationship, it is a great advantage to know how the two parties adapt to each other. Whether it is a romantic or business partnership, synastry helps to make sense of the dynamics in relationships.

Does Synastry Consulting Cover?

Synastry counseling covers the following basic topics:

  • Sun Sign Compatibility: Analyzes the basic identity of two people and how it affects their attitudes towards each other.
  • Moon Sign and Emotional Compatibility: Emotional connections show how two people respond to each other emotionally and how their emotional needs will be met.
  • Venus and Mars Interactions: Relationships in love, romance, attraction and sexual compatibility are examined. Venus symbolizes love language and romantic ties, while Mars represents sexual energy and passion.
  • Mercury Connections: Communication and mental attunement help to understand how comfortably and effectively two people communicate.
  • Saturn and Challenges: Responsibilities, restrictions and long-term lessons in the relationship are emphasized. Saturn indicates trials and opportunities for growth in the relationship.

Synastry considers the mutual influence of all chart factors, not just these planets. This analysis shows how compatible the partners are with each other, in which areas they have growth potential and where they may face challenges.

How Does the Synastry Consulting Process Work?

    • In the first step, the birth information (date, time and place of birth) of both parties is taken.
    • The two birth charts are compared and the planetary aspects are analyzed.
    • Harmonious and challenging aspects of the relationship are revealed. Information is obtained about the personality, emotions, communication and expectations of both people.
    • Guidance is provided to the clients on the dynamics of the relationship. Advice is given on harmonious and challenging planetary interactions.

The report is prepared according to the client’s request, both in written and audio form. Thus, at the end of the consultancy, a detailed guide to the potentials and potential challenges in the relationship is provided.

Additional Information:

Synastry can be used for any kind of relationship (romantic, friendship, family or business partnership). It is a profound tool for understanding the interactions between two people. This analysis helps partners become more attuned to each other by increasing awareness in the relationship.

Synastry counseling is a guide to take more conscious steps in relationships, but in no way gives definitive results or guarantees. Astrological analysis is for guidance and awareness. You can click on the contact link for more information or to request a consultation.



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