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Astrology Zodiac sign of Horoscope with the star and the moon background. Magic power of fortune in the universe Concept.

What is Rectification?

Rectification is a technique used in astrology for people whose birth time is unknown or cannot be fully verified. The time of birth is of great importance in astrological analysis because even a difference of just a few minutes can change important details of the chart. This technique tries to determine the birth time most accurately based on the person’s past major life events.

Why is Rectification Important?

The time of birth affects the placement of the astrological houses, the ascendant sign and the placement of the planets in the chart. Without an accurate birth time, astrological predictions may not be completely accurate. In particular, rectification is a critical step for astrological analysis to yield accurate results. The correct reading of one’s chart provides clearer results on important issues such as career, relationships, health and life purpose.

What Does Rectification Consultancy Cover?

Rectification counseling aims at the most accurate determination of the time of birth, taking into account specific and important events that have occurred in a person’s life. This counseling includes the following steps:

  • Identification of Important Dates: It is necessary to collect the dates of significant events in the person’s life. These events can usually be
    • Birth
    • Marriage
    • Divorce
    • Graduations
    • Career changes
    • Major health events such as accidents or illness
    • Relocations or changes of city/country
    • Deaths of close family members
  • Astrological Matching: Planetary movements and natal chart placements are analyzed according to the times of these events. The time of past events is analyzed by looking at the critical periods in the birth chart.
  • Determining the Ascendant Sign: It is aimed to determine the birth time as close as possible to the correct time of birth according to the person’s personal characteristics, physical appearance and important developments in his/her life.

During the counseling process, the harmony of life events with astrological indicators is examined in detail in order to reach the closest result to the correct birth time. In this way, a precise birth chart is drawn for people with an unknown or incorrect birth time.

How Does the Rectification Consulting Process Work?

  • First Stage: The person is asked for at least 5-10 important dates in the past. These dates should cover major turning points in his/her life.
  • Astrological Analysis: In line with these dates, astrological transits and planetary placements in the chart are examined. The compatibility of the rising sign, houses and planetary aspects are investigated.
  • Result: Together with the client, the time of birth is determined based on these dates and a birth chart is drawn accordingly. The report can be delivered in both written and audio form upon request.

Additional Information:

Rectification is a delicate process and requires patience. It is very important to clearly indicate the exact dates of important events in order to achieve accurate results. In addition to having an accurate birth chart, this consultation helps to understand the astrological influences in one’s life in a deeper way.

Rectification is a powerful astrological tool for determining the time of birth, but this process is not always 100 percent accurate. Astrological predictions are for guidance and the most important factor affecting your personal decisions is your will. For more information or to request a consultation, please click on the contact link.



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