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What is Numerology?

Numerology Counseling is a counseling service that examines and makes sense of the effects of the numbers in your name and date of birth on your life. According to numerology, each number represents certain energies, potentials and life lessons. With your date of birth and the number correspondences of the letters in your name, you can learn about your life path, your talents, opportunities and challenges.

Why is Numerology Counseling Important?

Numerology helps you understand the important numbers in your life and their impact on you. Numerological analyses show how the energies from your date of birth, the numbers in your name and specific periods affect your life path. This information is of great importance for building self-awareness, overcoming obstacles in your life and making better use of your strengths.


What Does Numerology Counseling Cover?

Numerology counseling is based on your name and date of birth and covers the following basic topics

Personal Numbers: The number equivalents of your name and date of birth are determined. Each number has its own meaning and reveals your personality, your journey in life and your potential.
Life Path Number: Calculated based on your date of birth, this number indicates which paths you will follow throughout your life, what opportunities you will encounter and what lessons you will learn.
Destiny Number: It is calculated by the number equivalents of the letters in your name and represents your life purpose, your overall mission in life.
Personality and Soul Number: With the energies of the numbers in your name and surname, you can find out what personality traits you have and what you need spiritually.

How Does the Numerology Counseling Process Work?

As a first step, the client’s name and date of birth are obtained.
A detailed assessment is made based on an analysis of the relevant numbers. This analysis can be presented in both written (PDF) and audio reports. The client can choose the report format according to his/her preference.
In line with numerological calculations, your personal numbers and their effects on your life are explained.
As a result of the counseling process, you will learn which energies are effective on your life path and which potentials you carry.

Additional Information:

Numerology helps you better understand the energies and vibrations in your life. By becoming aware of your personal numbers, you can get to know yourself better and take the right steps at the right times. Numerological cycles indicate that certain periods in your life will bring more opportunities or challenges.

Numerology counseling is a guide that can help you take more informed steps on your life journey, but it is by no means a guarantee or guarantee of certain results. Numerological information is for guidance and awareness purposes. You can click on the contact link for more information or to request a consultation.



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