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Astrology Zodiac sign of Horoscope with the star and the moon background. Magic power of fortune in the universe Concept.

What is Career Counseling?

Career Counseling is a special analysis of your astrological birth chart that helps you understand your professional potential and take the most appropriate steps in your career. It allows you to discover your personal talents, career path and in which areas you can be successful according to the positions and effects of the planets.

Why is Career Counseling Important?

Finding the right direction in your career journey can sometimes be challenging. By analyzing the positions of the planets in your birth chart, astrology can reveal which areas you can be successful in, which skills you need to develop and which work environments are most suitable for you. Thanks to this counseling, you can better understand your strengths and more consciously evaluate the opportunities and challenges you will face.

What Does Career Counseling Cover?

Career counseling is based on a detailed analysis of your birth chart and covers the following topics

  • Talents and Strengths: Your chart analyzes your abilities and potential areas of success in business life. This shows which jobs you can be successful in and which of your talents should come to the fore.
  • Career Options: You will be guided on which professions will suit you according to your birth chart. Especially the positions of the planets in the 10th house and other career indicators are examined in detail at this stage.
  • Timing and Opportunities: You can find out when the best times to change jobs, get promoted or take an important step in your career according to the astrological cycles.
  • Challenges and Obstacles: Information is provided about possible difficulties you may face and how you can overcome them. Particular emphasis is placed on periods when career planets make challenging aspects.

How does the Career Counseling Process Work?

  • Your career potential and skills are analyzed based on your birth chart.
  • The requested service is provided as an audio recording or a written report (PDF), according to the client’s preference.
  • The consultation is based on the positions and aspects of the planets and a personalized career map is drawn up.
  • As a result of the analysis, suggestions are offered on the steps you should take in your career and the opportunities you may encounter.

Additional Information:

Career counseling provides important information not only about your current job situation, but also about the opportunities and challenges you may face in the future. By analyzing career planetary cycles, progressions and transits, predictions are made about future job opportunities. This process can help you manage your professional life more consciously and take the right steps at the right time.

Astrological career counseling is a guide to help you navigate your professional life, but as with all decisions, astrological predictions are for guidance only and are not a substitute for professional business advice. For more information or to request a consultation, please click on the contact link.



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