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Astrology Zodiac sign of Horoscope with the star and the moon background. Magic power of fortune in the universe Concept.

What is Horary Consulting?

Horary (Single Question) Counseling is an ancient method of astrology used when you are looking for an answer to a specific question. This type of counseling provides astrological answers to specific questions such as whether an event will happen, whether lost items can be found, or what the outcome of a decision will be. Horary astrology involves charting the moment in question and interpreting the positions of the planets and the signs of the zodiac.

Why is Horary Consulting Important?

Horary astrology is a guide that has been used to guide people from the past to the present. It is an effective counseling method for people who want to gain clarity on a particular issue or clarify an uncertain situation before making an important decision. When you stand at a critical threshold in life or are curious about the outcome of an event, Horary astrology can shed light on these matters.

What Does Horary Consulting Cover?

In Horary astrology, the answer to your question is interpreted according to the planetary positions at the moment you ask the question. This counseling includes the following:

  • Specific Questions: Focuses on a single question. For example, “Should I accept my job offer?” or “Will I find my lost wallet?”.
  • Detailed Astrological Interpretation: By examining the planetary positions of the moment you ask a question, the outcome of the event or advice about the event is given.
  • Conclusion: Horary astrology usually tries to provide clear “yes” or “no” answers, but sometimes it can include more details depending on the position of the planets. Guidance can also be provided on how the event will unfold and which factors are influential.

How Does the Horary Consulting Process Work?

  • In Horary counseling, the planetary map of the moment your question is asked is drawn and analyzed through this map.
  • The consultation focuses on a single question and takes into account the planetary placements at the time of the question rather than your birth chart.
  • The details of the question and the positions of the planets are analyzed.
  • Depending on your request, the results can be presented as a written report (PDF) or as an audio recording.

Additional Information:

Horary counseling allows you to find the best time for a particular event or question. This process can help you make informed decisions. However, horary astrology does not promise you definite results, but it does provide general guidance.

Horary astrology is a method that tries to predict the outcome of a particular event and can be useful in your daily decisions. However, it is not a substitute for professional advice and you are advised to be careful when making major decisions in your life. For more information or to request a consultation, please click on the contact link.



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