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Astrology Zodiac sign of Horoscope with the star and the moon background. Magic power of fortune in the universe Concept.

What is an Election?

Election astrology is the process of astrologically choosing the best time for a particular event or decision. For example, it is a technique used to ensure that events that can be considered milestones in your life, such as marriage, starting a business, making an investment, traveling or starting an important project, take place at the right time. The aim is to determine the time when the planets and astrological aspects are most favorable and to ensure that the person gets the maximum benefit from this process.

Why is Election Counseling Important?

Every moment has its own astrological energy. Some planetary positions are extremely favorable for certain tasks, while others can create difficulties and obstacles. Election astrology allows one to choose the ideal time frame for important events that one wants to realize in one’s life. This increases the chances of success, minimizes difficulties and helps one achieve one’s goals more smoothly.

What does Election Consulting Cover?

In elopement counseling, the natal chart and the current planetary movements are analyzed in order to choose the best time for a particular event. The process includes the following steps:

  • Event Identification: The client identifies which event he/she would like to know the ideal time for. This could be a marriage date, starting a business, traveling or signing an important contract.
  • Astrological Analysis: The client’s birth chart and the transit movements of the planets are analyzed. The status of the planets, aspects and house placements help to choose a time frame that will increase the likelihood of the event being successful.
  • Recommended Dates: The astrologer determines the most suitable time frame for the client and suggests multiple alternative dates.
  • Possible Risks and Challenges: Between the selected dates, a detailed analysis of astrological risks and possible difficulties is also made. Thus, the client learns both the advantages of the process and the points to be considered.

In this counseling process, a complete road map is presented to the person and the aim is to increase the chances of success with the right timing.

How Does the Election Consulting Process Work?

  • First Step: The client indicates which date ranges are most convenient for him/her for an important decision. He/she gives information about when he/she wants the event to take place.
  • Astrological Review: By examining the client’s birth chart and the current positions of the planets, the most appropriate time periods are determined.
  • Advice and Report: The client is informed about the recommended time intervals and what kind of astrological influences they may encounter during these times. The report can be presented in written or audio format according to the client’s preference.

Additional Information:

Election astrology provides a great advantage when making big decisions or planning important events. Especially at turning points in your life, such as weddings, starting a business or making a major investment, it increases the likelihood of a positive start by making the best use of the planetary energy.

Election astrology emphasizes the importance of correct timing, but no astrological technique offers a 100% guarantee of success. Astrological guidance aims to increase one’s awareness and help one make the right choices. For more information or to request a consultation, please click on the contact link.



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